
with experienced


Chesscamps for children in the Spring-holidays 2021

Publiziert am Saturday, 15. March 2021 at 15:33 Uhr


The chess-school Markus Regez in Küsnacht is organising chesscourses for children and teenager in both weeks of the spring holidays. We worked out a covid19-security-concept for our school. And we will go more outside if the weather is good as usual during our holidaychesscamps.

Dates: 26. – 30. April 2021 and 3. – 7. Mai 2021, from Monday – Friday 9am-4pm with lunch.

Fees: with lunch CHF 375.- (09.00 bis 16.00 Uhr); without lunch CHF 300.-.
Halfdaycourse (09.00 bis 12.00 Uhr) CHF 180.-. Welcomed are Children who are at least five years old.

What you can learn during the chessweek
All participants will get an exercice book for her or his level. We will play a lot on the chessboards inside or outside the chess-school. We will analyse and look at classical games, solve harder exercices in the group and learn a lot about strategy and endgames.
Inbetween the children can play on our iPads with special chessprogramms for kids. At the last day, we will play a tournament with prices for everyone.

Everyone has to wear a mask during the chesslessons when there is no more space between the kids then 1.5 meters. For example when we will play at the chessboard. Everybody should desinfect his hands when entering the chess-school we have everything there to do this regularly. Here is the concept in German: Das ausführliche Konzept findet sich hier.

The trainers
Markus Regez and Roger Gloor are professional chesstrainers since years. They organised over 50 holiday-chesscamps since the founding of the chess-school. They know a lot of methods, to learn chess to children in a systematic and playable way.   Our adress is: Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht.


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Chesscamps in the autumn-holidays 2020 for children and teenager

Publiziert am Saturday, 10. September 2020 at 11:32 Uhr


The chess-school Markus Regez in Küsnacht is organising chesscourses for children and teenager in both weeks of the next holidays. We worked out a covid19-security-concept for our school. And we will go more outside if the weather is good as usual during our holidaychesscamps.

Dates: From 5. – 10. and from 12. – 16. Octobre, from Monday – Friday 9am-4pm with lunch. Kosten mit Fees: with lunch CHF 375.- (09.00 bis 16.00 Uhr); without lunch CHF 300.-. Halfdaycourse (09.00 bis 12.00 Uhr) CHF 180.-. Welcomed are Children who are at least six years old. Playing, chesspuzzle-solving and fun…

What you can learn during the chessweek
All participants will get an exercice book for her or his level. We will play a lot on the chessboards inside or outside the chess-school. We will analyse and look at classical games, solve harder exercices in the group and learn a lot about strategy and endgames. Inbetween the children can play on our iPads with special chessprogramms for kids. At the last day, we will play a tournament with prices for everyone.

Everyone has to wear a mask during the chesslessons when there is no more space between the kids then 1.5 meters. For example when we will play at the chessboard. Everybody should desinfect his hands when entering the chess-school we have everything there to do this regularly. Here is the concept in German: Das ausführliche Konzept findet sich hier.

The trainers
Markus Regez and Roger Gloor are professional chesstrainers since years. They organised over 50 holiday-chesscamps since the founding of the chess-school. They know a lot of methods, to learn chess to children in a systematic and playable way.   Our adress is: Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht.

Impressions from earlier holiday-chesscamps


Chesscourses for Kids in the Sportsvacation 2017

Publiziert am Saturday, 23. January 2017 at 15:07 Uhr


IMG_2523The chessschool Markus Regez organises once more chesscamps in the sportsvacation for kids from 5 and older. In the weeks from 13.-17. February and from 20. – 24. February we offer a full-day chesscourse from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch.  Adress: Schachschule Markus Regez, Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht. (Please use the parkingplaces in the near accomodation).

Each child will get a workbook on chess with dodgy chess puzzles and exercices. We play a lot on the board to learn tactics and strategies. Every child can learn a lot at our computer stations by playing fritz&chesster, majestic chess, lego chess and others. On the last day we will organise a little chesstournament for the children with chessclocks an prices for every participant.

5 days from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch costs CHF 375.-
5 days from 9 am to 12 am or from 1 pm to 4 pm costs CHF 180.-

You can announce yourself by mail under: or use the contactsheet here: contact



Chess for children in the summervacation in Küsnacht (ZH)

Publiziert am Saturday, 28. June 2016 at 19:15 Uhr


IMG_3133The chessschool Markus Regez organises once more chesscamps in the summer vacation for kids from 5 and older. In the week from 1.- 5. August, from 8. – 12. August and in the week from 15. – 19. August we offer a full-day chesscourse from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch.  Adress: Schachschule Markus Regez, Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht. (Please use the parkingplaces in the near accomodation).

Each child will get a workbook on chess with dodgy chess puzzles and exercices. We play a lot on the board to learn tactics and strategies. Every child can learn a lot at our computer stations by playing fritz&chesster, majestic chess, lego chess and others. For reasons that it will be not too top-heavy we will go inbetween also to the schoolyard nearby to play ping-pong, frisbee an soccer. On the last day we will organise a little chesstournament for the children with chessclocks an prices for every participant.

5 days from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch costs CHF 375.-
5 days from 9 am to 12 am or from 1 pm to 4 pm costs CHF 180.-

You can announce yourself by mail under: or use the contactsheet here: contact

IMG_3522 IMG_1474


Chesscamp for children in the Sportvacation 2016

Publiziert am Saturday, 8. February 2016 at 23:29 Uhr


IMG_3460The chessschool Markus Regez organises once more chesscamps in the sport vacation for kids from 5 and older. In the week from 15th – 19th February and in the week from 22th – 26th we offer a full-day chesscourse from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch.  Adress: Schachschule Markus Regez, Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht. (Please use the parkingplaces in the near accomodation).

Each child will get a workbook on chess with dodgy chess puzzles and exercices. We play a lot on the board to learn tactics and strategies. Every child can learn a lot at our computer stations by playing fritz&chesster, majestic chess, lego chess and others. For reasons that it will be not too top-heavy we will go inbetween also to the schoolyard nearby to play ping-pong, frisbee an soccer. On the last day we will organise a little chesstournament for the children with chessclocks an prices for every participant.

5 days from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch costs CHF 375.-
5 days from 9 am to 12 am costs CHF 180.-

You can announce yourself by mail under: or use the contactsheet here: contact


Chesscourses in the autumn vacation 2015

Publiziert am Saturday, 22. September 2015 at 13:00 Uhr


IMG_3452The chessschool Markus Regez organises once more chesscamps in the autumn vacation for kids from 5 and older. In the week from 5th to 9th October 2015 we offer a full-day chesscourse from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch. In the week from 12th of October to the 16th of October 2015 there will take place a chesscourse from 9 am to 12 am. Adress: Schachschule Markus Regez, Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht. (Please use the parkingplaces in the near accomodation).

Each kid will get a workbook on chess with dodgy chess puzzles and exercices. We play a lot on the board to learn tactics and strategies. Every child can learn a lot at our computer stations by playing fritz&chesster, majestic chess, lego chess and others. For reasons that it will be not too top-heavy we will go inbetween also to the schoolyard nearby to play ping-pong, frisbee an soccer. On the last day we will organise a little chesstournament for the children with chessclocks an prices for every participant.

5 days from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch costs CHF 375.-
5 days from 9 am to 12 am costs CHF 180.-

You can announce yourself by mail under: or use the contactsheet here: contact


Chesscamps in Autumn

Publiziert am Saturday, 10. September 2014 at 12:27 Uhr


IMG_1660The chessschool Markus Regez organises once more chesscamps in the autumn half-term for kids from 5 and older. In the week from 6th to 10th October we offer a full-day chesscourse from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch. In the week from 13th of October to the 17th of October there will take place a chesscourse from 9 am to 12 am. Adress: Schachschule Markus Regez, Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht. (Please use the parkingplaces in the near accomodation).

Each kid will get a workbook on chess with dodgy chess puzzles and exercices. We play a lot on the board to learn tactics and strategies. Every child can learn a lot at our computer stations by playing fritz&chesster, majestic chess, lego chess and others. For reasons that it will be not too top-heavy we will go inbetween also to the schoolyard nearby to play ping-pong, frisbee an soccer. On the last day we will organise a little chesstournament for the children with chessclocks an prices for every participant.

5 days from 9 am to 4 pm with lunch costs CHF 375.-
5 days from 9 am to 12 am costs CHF 180.-

You can announce yourself by mail under: or by the contactsheet.


Chesscamps in the Springvacation 2014

Publiziert am Saturday, 28. April 2014 at 18:22 Uhr


IMG_1292The kids are learning and playing with a lot of fun in the chess-school Markus Regez in Küsnacht. They are playing a lot on the chessboard but not only the classical chess but also double-cross-chess, dice-chess and give-away-chess. During the day we went twice to the near schoolplace and played pingpong, badminton, frisbee and chess on the big moblie chessboard. Here are some impressions from the springchesscamp 2014.





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Chesscourses in Springholidays

Publiziert am Saturday, 27. April 2013 at 15:31 Uhr


During the Springvacations we organize in both weeks chesscamps from Monday to Friday (9 am to 4 pm). First week: 22nd of April to 27th of April; second week: 29th of April to 3rd of May. The chesscamp can be booked either with or without lunch. alles lesen »


Yay! The new website…

Publiziert am Saturday, 27. April 2013 at 15:28 Uhr


Colourfull and fresh like the Spring. The new website keeps you informed about all the chesslessons. In the next time it is also planed to post some video for learning more about chess with tipps for beginners and advanced. Please take a look alles lesen »