Chesscamps for children in the Spring-holidays 2021
The chess-school Markus Regez in Küsnacht is organising chesscourses for children and teenager in both weeks of the spring holidays. We worked out a covid19-security-concept for our school. And we will go more outside if the weather is good as usual during our holidaychesscamps.
Dates: 26. – 30. April 2021 and 3. – 7. Mai 2021, from Monday – Friday 9am-4pm with lunch.
Fees: with lunch CHF 375.- (09.00 bis 16.00 Uhr); without lunch CHF 300.-.
Halfdaycourse (09.00 bis 12.00 Uhr) CHF 180.-. Welcomed are Children who are at least five years old.
What you can learn during the chessweek
All participants will get an exercice book for her or his level. We will play a lot on the chessboards inside or outside the chess-school. We will analyse and look at classical games, solve harder exercices in the group and learn a lot about strategy and endgames.
Inbetween the children can play on our iPads with special chessprogramms for kids. At the last day, we will play a tournament with prices for everyone.
Everyone has to wear a mask during the chesslessons when there is no more space between the kids then 1.5 meters. For example when we will play at the chessboard. Everybody should desinfect his hands when entering the chess-school we have everything there to do this regularly. Here is the concept in German: Das ausführliche Konzept findet sich hier.
The trainers
Markus Regez and Roger Gloor are professional chesstrainers since years. They organised over 50 holiday-chesscamps since the founding of the chess-school. They know a lot of methods, to learn chess to children in a systematic and playable way. Our adress is: Seestrasse 149, 8700 Küsnacht.
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